This photograph shows Okanagan geologist Murray Raod examining the steep cliffs of Crater Mountain or mk史iwt quell quell sta.
This ancient volcano is located across Trout Creek Canyon from the Summerland Golf Course.
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Crater Mountain is one of 16 volcanoes of the Penticton Group of Volcanoes (Penticton to Peachland).
A unique geological feature in Summerland, connected to the volcanos, arethe Summerland cannonballs.
These are round rocks, created when lava is expelled by a volcano.There is minial crystallization in the interior of these round rocks.
The current theory of how these were formed was when Rattlesnake Mountain erupted (estimated at 60 million years ago) the lava bombs fell into an adjoining lake, quickly cooled, producing the round shape and minimal rock crystals.
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