Tomorrow's mechanics have got some help from yesterday's car buffs.
Four secondary school shop classes in the Vernon School District have been presented with tools from the Vintage Car Club of Canada North Okanagan chapter, after the local club raised funds for such donations at its annual Father's Day Show in Vernon.
"We'd like to thank everyone that donated at the annual car show, as that was the money used to fill the shop classes' 'wish list,'" said the North Okanagan chapter in a release.
Club members Kim Low and Wilf Courtemanche presented a four-tonne floor jack to the shop class at Vernon Secondary. Lumby's Charles Bloom received chargers and some Milwaukee electric tools.
At Seaton Secondary, Low and Courtemanche presented a gear wrench and torque wrench. And Clarence Fulton Secondary was given a welding spool gun.
The Vintage Car Club of Canada local chapter will hold its annual show Sunday, June 15. The show is held at the Village Green Centre's northern-most parking lot near SportChek.