A bear seen strolling around Coldstream is expected to cozy back up into hibernation.
“It’s kind of odd that it’s out of its den, but not uncommon,” Vernon Conservation Officer Mike Richardson said.
“It’s probably been disturbed and it’s out on a little walkabout.”
READ MORE: Bear sightings continue in Coldstream
When bears do surface in the winter, Richardson said they’re pretty groggy and will find their way back to their hideout.
“Usually they’ll go back in their dens especially when its cold like this.”
In fact, most wildlife have been sparse with the recent cold snap.
“They just kind of cuddle up,” Richardson said.
A couple coyotes were spotted near Harwood Elementary Tuesday afternoon.
READ MORE: Coyotes spotted in Vernon school yard
But other wildlife remains at bay.
“Cougars have been behaving themselves, thankfully,” Richardson said.
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