The public has a chance to weigh in on the City of Vernon's spending.
Vernon City Council will be holding Special Budget Meetings Monday, Dec. 2 and if required Tuesday, Dec. 3 starting at 9 a.m. to review the proposed 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan.
The meetings will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall (3400 – 30th St.), with opportunity for in-person public input on Dec. 2 at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Council and staff strived for a four per cent tax increase for the 2025 budget, but a 5.8 per cent increase is on the books.
"To maintain level of service, and balance the budget, an additional 1.8 per cent in tax revenue was required to address the shortfall of $987,000," said chief financial officer Elma Hamming, in her budget report.
The main cost drivers associated with this increase stem from contractual obligations under RCMP and fire contracts.
Council previously adopted staged increases in taxation as part of the Active Living Centre $121 million development using an Integrated Project Delivery model, which was set at 3.5 per cent for three years. Council has also pre-approved and deferred items in the amount of 1.75 per cent for 2025, as follows: fire fighters 0.91 per cent, plans examiner 0.09 per cent, GIS/Asset Management Analyst 0.14 per cent, transit expansion 0.19 per cent, infrastructure maintenance 0.21 per cent, and 2024 budget amendment for business analyst 0.21 per cent.
"In total, this brings the proposed increase to 11.05 per cent," said Hamming, adding that new revenues may help offset the proposed increase.
There are more than 44,900 residents in Vernon, whose median income is $79,000.
To view the proposed 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan and to learn more about the budget process, visit
Council meetings can also be viewed online by visiting