The End of an Astrological Year
Pisces People are the mystical healers of our world. They are ethereal, like they are here from another time and place. Pisces is the end of an astrological year; a liminal time of ‘the space between’. Words associated with Pisces are initiation, elder, wisdom, healer. Perhaps you have a few Pisces people in your life and can resonate. Or, maybe you feel like you don’t fully know them at all because they are reflecting back to you who YOU are. Pisces is like a deep eternal mirror.
On an elemental level, Pisces is ‘Mutable Water’. This is water that moves and shapeshifts to meet the landscape around it. Think waterfalls and creeks leading to ponds or ice and snow melting after a long, cold winter. Throughout this season, as the external waters shift around us, our internal waters can’t help but feel it too.
We are made up of mainly water. We know at the Full Moon that the earth’s tides rise and fall more drastically than in other parts of the cycle. If we are full of this water, we’ll feel these cycles too. Water holds memory - in this way it’s ancestral.. Much like PIsces, water shifts based on the conditions around it. Where we find Pisces in our charts is where we often shapeshift to meet our lives, our ancestry, and while Venus is here in the Sky, our love.
Our work during this Pisces transit is to cultivate the practice of meeting ourselves in that shapeshifting. To notice the ways we shift to find love and to cultivate an inner environment is grounded and centered.
We encourage everyone to have a water practice this month. Revere the sources of water. Find spring water where you live if possible. Say thank you as you turn on the tap. Express gratitude and speak words of affirmation into water before you take a sip. It’s been scientifically proven to respond to this! Use the shower to wash away anything that’s not serving you. Let your tears flow naturally this season as you feel and heal with water.
Because Pisces is the final season before the New Year / Spring Equinox, it takes us from the seen to the unseen. It takes us into a dream world. With the Sun, Venus and Neptune here, your dreams may be turned up loud. Write them down and share them with a friend. Dreams are like a mycelium network, they hold lessons for all of us. When you listen to someone share their dreams, commit to presence. Hold back on judgment, open yourself and listen. You also have a lesson to learn.
Let this month love you into the new season, when the Sun moves into Aries on March 20.
About Wild Sky Sisters:
Did you know you have a whole planetary chart and not just a Sun Sign? To learn more about where all the planets were at your birth and how they want to love you, visit