We thought it was a bit early.
According to nationaldaycalendar.com, it's National Strawberry Day, and has been celebrated every Feb. 27 since at least 2013.
Here in the North Okanagan, where strawberries abound, the date falls well in front of our actual fresh strawberry season which, says canadianfoodfocus.org, has been expanded from June-July to May-to-October because of advancements in plant breeding and growing techniques.
So that means, as the Canadian website deliciously points out, "Canadians can enjoy fresh nutritious strawberries all summer and into the fall. The new day-neutral, or ever-bearing, strawberry varieties are just as colourful and delicious as their traditional June-bearing counterparts."
Go ahead and enjoy that strawberry pie, strawberry tart, strawberry jam, strawberry parfait, or just the strawberries themselves with maybe a dollup of whip cream.
Other things you can do to celebrate National Strawberry Day:
• Scout out strawberry festivals and pick-your-own farms;
• Plan to plant your own strawberry patch. Imagine sitting in your very own patch eating sun-warmed, sweet berries you picked or even grew yourself under clear blue skies;
• Eat a strawberry;
• Make a strawberry dessert;
• Enjoy a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich;
• Use #NationalStrawberryDay to post on social media;
• Buy a Daryl Strawberry baseball card (bad reporter joke there).