Every day of the year there are unofficial (and often weird and entertaining) holidays celebrated by groups and individuals around the world.
And it’s not just one unique thing to celebrate each day. On any given day of the year, there are several to choose from.
There are also weekly and monthly celebrations. In April, for example, folks all over the globe are recognizing Go Diaper-Free Week and Adopt a Ferret Month.
Here are some of the unofficial holidays for the coming week:
Sunday, April 25: Pinhole Photography Day, Malaria Day, World Penguin Day.
Monday, April 26: Hug an Australian Day, International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, Richter Scale Day, Help a Horse Day.
Tuesday, April 27: Marine Mammal Rescue Day, Morse Code Day, Prime Rib Day.
Wednesday, April 28: Pay it Forward Day, Superhero Day, Stop Food Waste Day, Blueberry Pie Day.
Thursday, April 29: International Dance Day, Zipper Day, World Wish Day.
Friday, April 30: Hairball Awareness Day, International Jazz Day, Oatmeal Cookie Day.
Saturday, May 1: Naked Gardening Day, Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, Purebred Dog Day.
Check back regularly for upcoming lists of international unofficial holidays.
READ MORE: Unofficial holidays: the weird and wonderful things people celebrate around the world
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Email: jenna.hauck@theprogress.com
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