Every day of the year there are weird and wonderful events, topics and themes celebrated by groups and individuals around the world.
And it鈥檚 not just one unique thing to honour or recognize each day. On any given day of the year, there are several to choose from.
There are also weekly and monthly celebrations. In July, for example, folks all over the globe are recognizing Everybody Deserves A Massage Week and Sarcoma Awareness Month.
Here are some of the things people are celebrating this week:
Sunday, July 17: Ice Cream Day, World Day For International Justice, Yellow Pig Day, Tattoo Day.
Monday, July 18: Global Hug Your Kids Day, World Listening Day, Insurance Nerd Day, Sour Candy Day.
Tuesday, July 19: Daiquiri Day, Stick Out Your Tongue Day, International Retainer Day.
Wednesday, July 20: Space Exploration Day, International Chess Day, World Jump Day, Hot Dog Day.
Thursday, July 21: Junk Food Day, Be Someone Day, No Pet Store Puppies Day.
Friday, July 22: Hammock Day, Pi Approximation Day, Mango Day.
Saturday, July 23: Day Of The Cowboy, Gorgeous Grandma Day, Vanilla Ice Cream Day, International Yada, Yada, Yada Day.
Check back regularly for upcoming lists of international unofficial holidays.
READ MORE: Unofficial holidays: the weird and wonderful things people celebrate around the world
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Email: jenna.hauck@theprogress.com
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