Three piggies were seen wandering the streets of Lake Country on the evening Feb. 13, and concerned residents are hoping to find the swines' owners.
The three pigs were spotted on Heritage Drive by resident Christine Simon, who snapped a video and posted it to Facebook.
"They were running up and down the street," said Simon.
Together, Simon, her partner and her daughter attempted to trap the lost pigs in her home's dog run, but were unsuccessful.
"We tried really hard to catch them but they were too timid to come into our dog run," said Simon. "We used up all the fruits and veggies we had to try to lure them, but no luck."
She has left food out leading up to the dog run and will be keeping an eye out for the lost piggies throughout the day.
Several local farmers have been contacted but the community has been unsuccessful in finding the pigs' owners.
The critters were last seen at 9 p.m. on Feb. 13. She hopes that the pigs will make it home safely or will be caught and taken to safety.