To the editor:
The best and most logical location for a waterfront dog park is at the south end of City Park next to the bridge. Unfortunately, it was excluded from the options being considered because of water quality issues that might impact the rest of the beach in the park.
This concern needs to be fully vetted. As a lakefront owner my experience is that dogs are more likely to relieve themselves out of the water. As a boater, I travel through the bridge opening nearest the park's beach. Wind forces water and waves against the bridge walls and causes water to flow through the opening to help flush that area of the beach.
This location satisfies every component of a park for people and their pets. It does not impact nearby residents. There is ample parking. It's central to the city. It is easily accessed on foot. It's in an area poorly used because of bridge noise. It will cost very little to complete as a park for people and their dogs. Finally, it will put many eyes on the park to keep it enjoyable for everyone.
I propose the city install temporary modular fencing to test the location and impact on water quality. This is a worthwhile amenity and this location is perfect if properly managed. Consider also that dogs will enjoy a splash nearly year-round long after tourists and beach users have left.
Michael Neill, 麻豆精选