Field lacrosse players will have their chance to qualify for Zone 2 (Thompson-Okanagan) team which will compete at the Cowichan B.C. Summer Games, July 19 to 22.
The qualification event takes place May 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch break from noon to 1 p.m. with lunch provided) at the DND Field (army camp) on soccer field #1 in Vernon. Male players, between the ages of 14 to 15 years (born 2003 to 2004) that reside in Zone 2 and who are a 2017-2018 B.C. Lacrosse Association registered are eligible to participate in field lacrosse.
Players who are interested in trying out for the team must register and compete in the zone qualification event in Vernon.
The B.C. Summer Games field lacrosse online application form can be found on the BCLA website ( Only one application can be submitted for either field lacrosse or box lacrosse for the B.C. Summer Games. Athletes are not permitted to try out for both disciplines. Once registered, athletes will attend the qualification event where a team of 17 runners and two goalies will be chosen.
Application deadline is May 3.
For athlete eligibility information and rules see
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